We offer freight Maritime Transport Services. Punctual, Professional and with a continous tracking of yout operation.
Our Cargo Maritime Transport Service carries out the transportation of general, overdimensioned, Break Bulk and dangerous goods, and maintains exccellent coordination between our international and local suppliers. Since we have reliable and regular shipping lines for every need, they allow us to handle your cargo from any port to any port in the world.
From the load collection, its manipulation in the departure and destination ports, until its final arrival at the reception place, our attention team is specially dedicated to tracking out the cargo along the international maritime exchange complex.
In addition to offering advice on the strategy and choice of the right ships we provide with the preparation of the necessary boarding documents, the resolution for customs procedures and the optimal link with the transport at the departure or arrival country, attention staff guarantees that the end to end process is executed in perfect coordination within each of its phases.
Also known as Full Load Container. Reserve the full use of one or several containers exclusively for one client. Its use should be considered depending on the volume and weight of the load.
Also known as Consolidated Cargo Container or Shared Cargo Container. A container is assigned to several clients with similar transport needs. It is cheaper than the FCL because the cost is distributed among several customers.
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